Here is a First Level Heading

This is a paragraph. The browser will format all the lines so they fit in the width of the page. Try changing the size of the window the browser is in and you will see plain text reformatted on the fly.

Another paragraph begins with the P tag enclosed within angle brackets and ends with a /P tag (also in angle brackets). In general tags come in pairs, an opening tag and a closing tag. The closing tag is the same as the opening one except it is preceded by a forward slash.

What You Should See

Below you can choose to visit the Mark Sobell's home page, to visit a page where you can see this document, or to send Mark email. "Mark Sobell" has Blink tags around it in the reference to the home page and B (for bold) tags in the mail reference.

Click here to visit Mark Sobell's home page.

Click here to see this document on line.

Click here to send email to Mark Sobell